Since the beginning of time, all-around wellness has been an important milestone for many. But not just physical and mental wellness, there are 7 dimensions of wellness (you can read about here), and sleep affects most, if not all of them. No wonder throughout history we have thought-provoking quotes about how important sleep is to us.
Below are some of the greatest sleep quotes we know about, want to submit one? Contact us.
Inspirational Sleep Quotes

- “True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.” ― William Penn
- “A well-spent day brings happy sleep.” ― Leonardo da Vinci
- “Sleep is the best meditation.” – Dalai Lama
- “Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.” ― Phyllis Diller
- “No day is so bad it can’t be fixed with a nap.” ― Carrie Snow
- “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” ― Dr. Seuss
- “Without enough sleep, we all become tall two-year-olds.” ― JoJo Jensen
- “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” ― Benjamin Franklin
- “Sleep is like a cat: It only comes to you if you ignore it.” ― Gillian Flynn
- “When every inch of the world is known, sleep may be the only wilderness that we have left.” ― Louise Erdrich
- “I count it as an absolute certainty that in paradise, everyone naps.” ― Tom Hodgkinson
- “Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I’m reborn.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
- “End the day with gratitude. There is someone, somewhere that has less than you.” ― Zig Ziglar
- “Happiness consists of getting enough sleep. Just that, nothing more.” ― Robert A. Heinlein
- “Many things – such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly– are done worst when we try hardest to do them.” ― C.S. Lewis
Funny Sleep Quotes
- “I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?” ― Ernest Hemingway
- “There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.” ― Homer
- “Fatigue is the best pillow.” ― Benjamin Franklin
- “I already want to take a nap tomorrow.” ― Anonymous
- “I always say ‘morning’ instead of ‘good morning,’ because if it was a good morning, I’d still be asleep.” ― Anonymous
- “Sleep is like a cat: It only comes to you if you ignore it.” ― Gillian Flynn
- “If you’re going to do something tonight that you’ll be sorry for in the morning, sleep late.” ― Henny Youngman
- “I'm so good at sleeping that I can do it with my eyes closed.” ― Anonymous
- “At night I can't fall asleep. In the morning, I can't get up.” — Anonymous
- “Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.” ― Anthony Burgess
- “The amount of sleep required by the average person is five minutes more.” ― Wilson Mizener
- “There is no sunrise so beautiful that it is worth waking me up to see it.” ― Mindy Kaling
- “People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one.” ― Leo J. Burke
- “Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night.” ― Charles Fisher
- "The best thing to do first thing in the morning is go right back to sleep" — Anonymous
Insomnia Sleep Quotes
- “A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow.” — Charlotte Brontë
- “The only time I have problems is when I sleep.” — Tupac Shakur
- “Don’t fight with the pillow, but lay down your head, and kick every worriment out of the bed.” — Edmund Vance Cooke
- “Insomnia is a glamorous term for thoughts you forgot to have in the day.” — Alain de Botton
- “Not being able to sleep is terrible. You have the misery of having partied all night… without the satisfaction.” — Lynn Johnston
- “The last refuge of the insomniac is a sense of superiority to the sleeping world.” — Leonard Cohen
- “If a man had as many ideas during the day as he does when he has insomnia, he’d make a fortune.” — Griff Niblack
- “There are twelve hours in the day, and above fifty in the night.” — Marie de Rabutin-Chantal
- “The worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to.” F. Scott Fitzgerald
- “If you can’t sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there worrying. It’s the worry that gets you, not the lack of sleep.” — Dale Carnegie
- “The night is the hardest time to be alive and 4am knows all my secrets.” ―
Baby Sleep Quotes
- “When my baby is sleeping that’s when I think, ‘Wow. I made that.’” — Maria Jose Ovalle, Content Creator
- “People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one.” ― Leo J. Burke
- “Little boys should never be put to sleep. They always wake up a day older.” — J. M. Barrie
- “Sleep, baby, sleep. The father’s watching the sheep. Thy mother’s shaking the dreamland tree, and down drops a little dream for thee.” — Elizabeth Prentis
- “The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child.” – Joe Houldsworth
- “Sleep is like the unicorn- it is rumored to exist, but I doubt I will see any.”— Dr. Seuss
- “I could watch you for a single minute and find a thousand things that I love about you.” — Anonymous
- “A little girl is a sugar and spice and everything nice- especially when she’s taking a nap.” — Anonymous
- “Why don’t kids understand that their nap is not for them but for us?”— Alyson Hannigan
- “A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.” — Victor Hugo
- “A baby makes love stronger, the days shorter, the nights longer, savings smaller, and a home happier.” — Anonymous
- “A sleeping baby is really good at doing the one thing you don’t get to do anymore.” — Linda Poindexter
- “The babies are amazing…they begin each day all warm and sleepy, smelling of promise.” — Julia Roberts
- “Having my baby fall asleep in my arms takes away all of my worries and stresses. A sense of complete and total peace comes over me.” — Maria Jose Ovalle
- “They eat, they crap, they sleep, and if they’re crying, they need to do one of the three and they’re having trouble doing it. Real simple.” — Matthew McConaughey